Ladies Who Launch | Resources for Women-Owned Businesses

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Building Your Brand with Canva

In this info packed session with Cat van der Werff of Canva gave us a full how-to on building a brand through the tools that Canva offers through both their free and paid versions.

Check out some of the other resources that Cat shared with us during this session:

Canva: Brand Style Guide

Brand Archetypes Info Sheet

Canva Color Tools

Canva’s Design School

Key Takeaways

  • What is a brand?

    • So much more than a logo. A brand is a promise to your customers

  • Start with purpose

    • Your reason forgetting out of bed in the morning and the impact that you want to have on the world.

    • Start With Why - Simon Sinek

    • If you are everything to everyone you can't please anyone.

  • Brand Core

    • What's our purpose?

    • What do we believe in?

    • What’s our personality?

  • Brand Identity

    • How do we express ourselves?

    • How do we interact with others?

    • How do we speak and dress?

  • You want to give the brand human like characteristics.

  • Be flexible enough that you can keep your core solid and evolve with the times.